Amaar Mohamed

Aspiring Software Engineer

Amaar Smiling

Hello, My name is Amaar Mohamed and I'm an aspiring Software Engineer. I'm currently studying Computer Science at the University of Minnesota

Course Work

  • Computational Thinking in Python
  • Programming with Objects in Java
  • Discrete Mathmatics
  • Computer Architecture in C/Assembly
  • Introduction to Data Structures in Java
  • Advanced Programming Principles in OCaml
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
  • Operating Systems in C/Assembly
  • More to come...



    lifetracker landing page

    Website that allows users to search for local flora and fauna

    - User Authentication, log in and sign up
    - Search the database for local flora and fauna
    - Upload Photos for other users to see
    - Like other users uploads
    - Report inappropriate user posts
    - See Your posted and likes posts
    - Change profile details

    Life Tracker

    lifetracker landing page

    Website that allows users to track exercises and calories

    - Log in and sign up
    - Centralized dashboard to see logged nutrition and exercises
    - Log exercises and calories eaten


    lifetracker landing page

    Website to see the the now playing or trending movies

    - Search for movies
    - Sort by now playing and trending movies
    - Request to see more movies

    Work Experience

    target logo


    Guest Advocate

    11/2018 - 06/2022

    - Assisted Guests with any questions they may have, and resolved issues

    - Worked with leaders to complete task's and improve guest experience

    target logo

    CodePath x Schmidt Futures

    Full Stack Intern

    06/2022 - 08/2022

    - One of the 9 selected from 1500 applicants

    - Built Responsive Websites using Javascript Technologies like React, Node, Express, SQL and more

    - Gained soft skills and also recieved and learned from industry professionals

    target logo


    Software Engineer Intern

    06/2023 - 08/2023

    - Developed a new web component for Adobe Creative Cloud applications using React and Typescript

    - Navigated ambiguous project requirements, delivering an MVP and multiple strech goals

    - Refactored portions of the codebase to encapsulate buisness logic away from the UI, reducing techincal debt

    - Created an architecture proposal for the new component, which underwent team review and subsequently gained approval

    target logo

    University of Minnesota

    Student Developer

    11/2022 - 06/2023, 09/2023 - Present

    - Help develop and maintain services used on all campuses

    - Technologies used include Ruby, Ruby on Rails

    - Gain soft skills and mentorship from experienced engineers


    © 2023 Amaar Mohamed. All Rights Reserved